Hunting projects
Tecniagro prepares all types of technical documents related to hunting management:
- Projects on hunting management (Technical Hunting Plans).
- Fencing design.
- Design of hunting states.
- Projects on state agro-hunting conversion.
- Reserve creaation: segregation, extensions and modifications of use.
And it is responsible for performing all the steps and procedures required for a hunting state:
- Application for permits for hunting activities.
- Application for authorization of game state.
- Application for transfer and release of live game.
- Application for installation of fencing.
Contact us if you need guidance on the management of your game state.
Agroforestry projects
We prepare the technical documentation necessary for rural state management in forestry, livestock and agriculture, with the aim of always reaching the technical, economic and ecological viability of each state:
- Forest management projects.
- Reforestation projects.
- Fire Prevention Plans.
- Technical reports on permit and grant application.
- Valuation of rural states.
- Feasibility studies on rural states for purchase transactions.
Furthermore, we assume all administrative tasks arising from rural state management, assuming owner representation before public administration in regard to activities such as:
- Processing of grants for rural states, follow-up to the calls and drafting of the documents necessary for grant. Help most requested is:
- Aid for forestry investments in agricultural exploitations (Reforestation).
- Aid for improving forests in rural areas.
- Aid for defensive measures against wildfires.
- Aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC).
- Agro-environmental aid.
- Application for work permits for forestry work.
If you need our professional technical guidance on the management of your property, contact us.
Environmental impact studies
Tecniagro prepares the Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) that are needed to develop some projects on rural states, according to the regional regulations in force.
We also carry out other environmental studies, such as forestry biomass projects for electric power production. In this field, Tecniagro is actively involved in a project for building a biomass plant in Ciudad Real.
Contact us for your projects and environmental studies.
Opinions and surveys on rural states
The assessment of the current status of a state and its future possibilities for exploitation and improvement is an essential tool for its owner or for the person interested in purchasing it.
For the owner, obtaining a technical report on the state of his/her state and its possibilities can be extremely useful to improve state management.
For the buyer of a state, it is absolutely essential to know well what he/she is purchasing. Not only the information regarding its actual surface and agroforestry or hunting potential, but also any possible restrictions on use and management resulting from environmental laws that are increasingly restrictive.
Tecniagro prepares reports and other technical documentation (feasibility studies, descriptive technical reports, etc.) on rural states, as a management tool for their owners, or as a technical document to serve as a tool in the purchase operations.
We also conduct conversion projects for large states.
Contact us if you need professional advice to buy, sell or make your rural state workable.
State cartography
Tecniagro makes computer plans and orthophotography for large pieces of rural property.
If you want accurate and professional cartography of your state, contact us.